Hälsade på Louise i Göteborg. Bläddrade i franska fotosamlingar, drack te, besökte observatoriet och beundrade både månen och Jupiter genom teleskopen samt lagade världens godaste fiskmiddag.
I met this one young man recently. At first he only appeared as an icon on some website, which happened to be the profile of some blog called 'Watching The World Through A Lens'. We had both rated Anton Corbijns masterpiece 'Control' as one of our favourite films, and that common opinion had accidentially led him to this blog. We eventually found that we shared a lot more than just our taste in film. After a couple of weeks we discovered through emails and pictures and music that our eyes seemed to view the world in an almost identical way. We kept conversing. He told me of his past and dreams, he let me listen to songs he had written. He even had one written for me, inspired by one of my photographs of a boy playing the violin whom I happened to capture a sunny day in spring this year. He kept telling me the most amazing things. He told me of his country, about war and history, films he was planning to make, manuscripts and albums he was working on. I told him of my interest in the visual arts, of my passion for decay imagery and Ian Curtis, ideas of future exhibitions and journeys, but mostly I kept finding myself amazed and incredibly inspired by his perspectives and opinions on the world. We've exchanged thoughts for about a month I believe though it feels more like a lifetime by now. I don't think I've ever felt such instant respect and wonderment to a person before. His way of illustrating his mind and soul is probably one of the most beautiful expressions I've ever experienced.
Spenderade eftermiddagen med Kajsa. Te, analoga bildarkiv och gitarrspel på golvet. Diskussioner om iransk arkitektur, spanska bravader och franska åkrar. Lite konst och film, och så den odödliga drömmen om att besöka Paris. Eurythmics, en dag flyger vi långt härifrån.
"I am collecting beautiful objects. A pair of shoes. Some glasses. Telephone. Typewriter. They are made from wood and felt. With apparent stitches. Their delicate and finished appearance is friendly. And they are quiet. * Close your eyes. Open your heart."
Sovmorgon, kaffe och GP söndag. Sol, frost och långpromenader. Second hand, vin och koreansk film. Varm choklad, Chet Baker och lussebullar. Fint med jullov.
Soundtrack: 'Boy 1904' - Jonsi & Alex Snön virvlar ovanför taken, molnen, husen, människorna. Solen går upp. Det mesta är vackert men inte innanför huskropparna. Min lillasyster är sjukare än sjukast i körtelfeber. Jag matar henne med halstabletter och vatten för det är allt hon får i sig. Några varma ord och kalla händer på pannan. Sedan sover hon. Andas alldeles för tungt och assymetriskt. Och jag som kanske är en av de mest oreligiösa människorna på denna jord börjar överväga att ta kontakt med Gud för sjukdomar borde förintas och utplånas för alltid.